make up or fake up?
when you were young
THE KILLERSSSSS ! These guys make up one of my all time favorite bands. There music sparks something inside and the more you listen, the more you think. They've had a few albums and i love each and every one of them. Not to mention the hotness factor, far left... can you say S-M-O-K-I-N ? Well they kinda fall into the genre of semi-electro-alterni-pop-rock... if there even is such a thing. But none the less there amazing.
Bones - The Killers
Replaceable - The Killers
Sweet Sweat.
Let me into your bed.
Sweet Sweat.
Let me undo the pain
Sweet Sweat.
Let me drive you insane
Sweet Sweat.
Will you take me away.
Sweet Sweat.
Will you show me the day.
Sweet Sweat.
will you teach me to fly.
Sweet Sweat.
will you give me the sky.
Sweet Sweat.
If i open your heart
Sweet Sweat.
If i show you the start
Sweet Sweat.
If i see through your lie
Sweet Sweat.
If i teach you to die.
Sweet Sweat.
Can you show me the truth
Sweet Sweat.
Can you turn old to new
Sweet Sweat.
Can you mend all the cracks
Sweet Sweat.
We are broken as glass
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
drop, pop, kaboom !
Just as "Y2K" and its batch of predictions about the year 2000 have become a distant memory, here comes "Twenty-twelve."
Fueled by a crop of books, Web sites with countdown clocks, and claims about ancient timekeepers, interest is growing in what some see as the dawn of a new era, and others as an expiration date for Earth: December 21, 2012.
The date marks the end of a 5,126-year cycle on the Long Count calendar developed by the Maya, the ancient civilization known for its advanced understanding of astronomy and for the great cities it left behind in Mexico and Central America.
The hype also has mainstream Maya scholars shaking their heads.
"There is no serious scholar who puts any stock in the idea that the Maya said anything meaningful about 2012."
A scholar who has studied the Maya for 35 years said there is nothing ominous about 2012, despite the hype surrounding claims to the contrary.
"The trendy doomsday people... should be treated for what they are: under-informed opportunists and alarmists who will move onto other things in 2013," said John Major Jenkins, whose books include "Galactic Alignment" and who describes himself as a self-taught independent Maya scholar.
Jenkins said that cycle endings were all about transformation and renewal -- not catastrophe -- for the Maya. He also makes the case that the period they chose coincides with an alignment of the December solstice sun with the center of the Milky Way, as viewed from Earth.
"Two thousand years ago the Maya believed that the world would be going through a great transformation when this alignment happened," Jenkins said.
But Aveni said there is no evidence that the Maya cared about this concept of the Milky Way, adding that the galactic center was not defined until the 1950s.
"What you have here is a modern age influence [and] modern concepts trying to garb the ancient Maya in modern clothing, and it just doesn't wash for me," Aveni said.
Meanwhile, he and other scholars are bracing for growing interest as the date approaches.
"The whole year leading up to it is going to be just crazy, I'm sorry to say," Stuart said.
"I just think it's sad, it really just frustrates me. People are really misunderstanding this really cool culture by focusing on this 2012 thing. It means more about us than it does about the Maya."
peanut butter and what?!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified 290 people from 39 states who have gotten sick from Salmonella Tennessee, the Salmonella type associated with this outbreak. Forty six (46) patients are known to have been hospitalized and there have been no reported deaths.
The 39 states with reported illness are: Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and West Virginia.
Stick with Jif y'all ;]
homewrecker syndrome
My question, is what psycologically draws the brain to attraction because of others' opinions. is it some kind of subliminal peer pressure? is it a mob mentalllity? what triggers the like or dislikes according to what others find acceptable in society... ?
the votes are in.

manpurse | |
A bag carried by a man to hold his many useless items. Some people consider it a little effeminate, others don't really care. The ones who don't care are usually the ones who actually have a manpurse. |
Repeat man-purse-offenders may often be seen pushing boundaries by wearing large oversized women's louis vuitton in an attempt to show off their socail staus while still carring the same obscene amount of worthless crap in their man purse.
So.. remember ladies.
;] ally out <3
let's play barbies.
Topic: There is speculation in a variety of places saying barbie has been a bad role model for young girls in america these days.... Giving girls unrealistic body goals, and self image.
For me,I have loved Barbie since I was a little girl. I had a whole world of Barbies and all the neat little things that accessorized her. I had the Barbie Hotel, the Barbie convertable, the Barbie airplane, and all the Barbie furniture. I think my parents must have spent a small fortune on all of the things I had for Barbie - but I adored her and she helped spark my imagination. Barbie always could do all the cool things in life. Barbie could travel, Barbie could preform, Barbie could be a doctor, a lawyer, a dancer... she could become anything in her life and most importantly - she always believed in herself, and so success always followed Barbie.
I never saw Barbie as a bad role model or as something that was not attainable and therefore set a bad standard for girls growing up. For god sakes - she is a DOLL. And like all dolls and toys our children play with - poor self image and lack of confidence does not originate from toys we play with from childhood - it originates from how we are raised in the home. Barbie has and will always be fabulous and fun. Little girls around the world will spend countless hours with her, she can execute every goal, hope, and dream that little girl has, i dont think barbie is a bad role model i think she is the american dream.. and as long as someone has a dream there will always be a kid waiting to ask " wanna play barbies?"
inauguration 09
So as we all know, President elect, Barack Hussien Obama will be inaugurated this tuesday. I know most of my age group is whoop-de-dooing all around town over this, but i personally am not. Considering many of the things they are excited over they know nothing about. Obama is charismatic, yet inexperianced, creating policies that will eventually lead to the demise of america. Tax changes, The Guantanamo bay closing, leaving iraq, supporting welfare, and helping the iraqi/palistinian conflict. I think he is spending his time focusing on matters important to HIM rather than what's best for the country. He is a propaganda genious, and a fluid speaker which draws people in.. especailly the very impressionable youth of today which he was most appealing to. Using internet and modern-day techniques to appeal to that demographic group brought out the thousands of 18 and 19 year olds that were never interested in voting before, giving him a one-up. In this age of a failing economy i feel we need a leader who can make choices that clean up the broken bits, rather then creating so much change that when his 4 year term is up, someone else has to fix the bugs in his many plans. Honestly, when i see Obama i dont see a man running for america he wasnt a soldier, or from a long line of americans. We've judged kennedy for being catholic, well obamas a spit shot away from being muslim. he's an educated black man who was probbaly held back all his life, kept down because of his color his race and his name.. and now that he has a one up on these people, hes campaigning for the people who kept him down.. he wants to be vindicated.. he wants to say "ha ha" in everyones face and help only those who went through what he did.
well, my piece of advice is the same thing i'd say to the convinent store owner.. keep the change, ill take the dollar anyday.
guidos and guidettes?
So this is a look, or trend, or "style" if you can even call it that called guido, the guido, along with its female counterpart the guidette roam around locations such as but not limited to, jersey and the tristate area, florida, myspace, and parts of europe. Usually described as highly promiscuous club heads. who cake on inches of makeup especailly bronzer. they also volumize their hair with the so called hump or poof. which consisists of mounds of hair on top of your head. at one point in time guidettes may have been idolized for so called style, and sexuallity. but in the changing times they are being viewed for what they really are tacky and classless. they usually can be found sporting knockoff chanel, gucci, and dior as well as louis vuitton. claiming the "brand name" they also may be seen doing their acryllic nails or vacationing at the jersey shore. guidettes/guidos are nothing to be idolized. they are a classless fad of women and men who claim their usually italian descent allows them to behave and speak in ways that are quite heinous in society today. but hey thats just my opinion...
louboutin for rodarte
You know, it's really getting on my nerves... im sick and tired of fat girls complaining about their lives. "im so fat, blah blah blah, people always tease me, blah blah blah." well reality check, you let yourself get to that point. obesity is a choice, unless you have a medical condition such as thyroid, complaining about being fat is noone's problem but your own. Just as much as you complain about you being fat, skinny girls get bothered the same amount, if not more. the constant pestering of accusations of being anorexic, or not eating enough. and the constant "putting down" of being too skinny. i think everyone should either learn to love their body, or work on changing it. dont complain. shut your mouths. or eat more
ah simplicity

My Dear,
As i sit here contemplating, beyond all sources of reason. I shudder at the doubt I encounter. Anixiety rides my soul like the old broken horse of a cowboy long forgotten. I try to believe what you say. Though each tiny shroud of positivity floats away in the springtime breeze when i re-encounter reality, and leave the poultice of the comfort you provide. And No matter how you assure me once and again, I try hard to listen and not just hear. So i ask you please forgive me when i say you are not what i thought you were.
I know you'll never understand, and my hopes that you'll read this and see through my fragile heart are futile. There is a sliver in the depths of my being that wishes you would know i'm dreaming of you tonight.
Sincerely yours.
my religion

i am not christian i am not Jew i am not Muslim i am not catholic i am not agnostic i am not satanic i am not Buddhist i am not atheist i am not anything.
i don't honestly think i can say my belief system has a set name yet. But it's a mixture of believing in a whole lot of karma, a little magic <3,and>people ask me sometimes because of my outlooks, do you believe in jesus, god, allah, adam and eve? the awnser is mostly yes, but from a historical outlook... except a&e, which i honestly cannot say i do believe.
do you go to church or pray? not formally, but i express my feelings to the overseer sometimes if im worried or anxious. or if i know ive done soemthing wrong i try to deeply think of the reason and see my own fault and then think of good that may come out of it or something good i did that day.
do your beliefs affect your everyday life? yes they give me more self control while in the presence of freedoms. they affect my viewpoints and lifestyle, the also affect friendships and even habits.
so i guess the reason why i did this was because i didnt agree with any other religion, i took catechism and did my communion and confirmation, so im coming with these ideas from a base type knowledge. i had my own ideas of whats right and whats wrong. i believed this was a better way to live my life, rather than following the "rules" of a formal church i thought a lackadaisical look on the little stuff with the big picture in mind was what was much more important. i hope im right, and i can live life to the fullest.
honestly i think this "religion" or belief what have you, will never be named because it is what you make it. you can give it any name you want just follow it whole heartedly and with good concious and it will return the favor when you just may need it the most.
considering im the worst grammar nazi ever. lol i'd like to adress a few words.
1. it's anyway not anyways. there is no S
2. there, their, and they're are 3 seperate words!
3. undewears and mine's are not words. so shutup
4. there is no such food as a pikza or a sangwhich, there are pizzas and sandwiches though.
panda+dog=super freaky cute
Half dog, half panda, all cuteness!! could it be? unfortunatly its not its a chow chow. a fairly common dog died with vegetable derived black dye around the eyes, ears, paws, and hind. a simple process which can be done at any groomer is now sweeping japan. the dye grows out naturally, and can be re done for a longer panda look. haha! i think its adorable.
read more aqui -->
kan-yay or kan-nay? ... all pun intended

This fellow here a 90 year old geriatric patient, vacationing in florida is wearing about the same outfit. Just add on a patent old navy raincoat, a scarf from chicos, and glasses from your local CVS and you got kanye! Our seasoned gent here even spices up the look with the latest sunglasses! WOW!! and you were too busy licking kanye's feet to even notice. Im not putting down his style, i actually commend him for having such a good propaganda technique that he may actually convince you guys the overpriced garbage he's paid to wear so people like you, you and your boy over there will rush out and buy, has been around for ages. A true fashion visionary never copies a style they look out for things that pop and have natural talent to see what goes with what. They dont need you, me and especially not kanye west to tell them what's in or out of style.
There are days where I drive myself insane wondering why these fellas are such assholes. Wondering why no one is really about finding their wife anymore. Slowly over time I have realized its not the fault of these fellas at all, its the fault of these smutts sluts and birdheads.
Why would any man settle down with one girl who would do anything for them when they can have 293,874,298,374 chicks who would do the same and they dont even have to answer to them?
Shorty from down the block has the 2 for one sale on her pussy. Not only is she handing out her pussy to you but she will give up to your boy as well.
Then there is missy birdhead. She gives the meanest whops ever and you dont even have to kiss the chick. She gets in and gets out. She has a job and she does it well, best part is you never have to make an appointment you can just wait in line.
To boot, there is the chick who plays like she is hard to get. She acts like she doesn't want to give it up too quick so she will keep your attention in other ways. Yet, you see righ past her games but use her for all you can in the mean time. She likes you so much that all you have to do is spit a lil "G" and she will go above and beyond for you. Rides for you whenever where ever and you never have to dip into your pocket once.
These are the reasons no fella is gonna settle for you. Why would he work at a relationship with you when he has all he wants in these stupid chicks. One thing I know is, none of these ladies will ever know love. That is one thing I know I will always have on you idiots. My pussy is a prize something I just can't give up so easily! It is a shame no real man can realize the true value of a true lady.
beep beep ;P

you know what really erks me? when people make up stupid things as insiders and you know there soooo dumb but they just make up an inside joke for the sake of it.
Or when they find something so funny by themselves that they make a inside insider and there the only ones who know it, Does that make any sense?
LMFAO (literally)
straight out the stereo comes lmfao. my new fav in the electo hip pop genre. consisting of skyblu and redfoo there a favorite of people like paris hilton and other socailites. there dirty, and sometimes concited lyrics refer to money, riches, women, and of course the infamous goose [a personal favorite of mine]
Get Crazy - LMFAO
Lil hipster Girl - LMFAO
Im In Miami Bitch - LMFAO

Oh mr. jacobs you've done me dirty. i have some of the marc by marc jacobs collection, and i have a pair of shades that i absolutley love but he is taking this way tooo far, yes i understand this is couture, and being brought up by a mother and grandfather who either have worked or still work in the couture industry i do get the concept of flamboyance and over the top looks. but hes really starting to materialize, thinking because he is a huge designer he can slap a label on a trash bag and haute couture. well no no no there is nothing "haute'' about looking like a feather cowboy, a blue poodle or a nun. unless of course you are a feathered cowboy, a blue poodle, or a nun.... ( mind you these are all hats.)
these shoes are fire !
household weaponry
well. as a girl i know the dangers of being alone. but i also know the challenges that come with getting a concealed weapon. yes?
so here are some handy hints that can be thrown into any girls large casual fendi and used to repel predators.
we'll start off with the basics for beginners and then add in some combo's for the more advanced.
nail file (of the metal variety)=shank
hair clip= clamp (pick a body part) lol
mirror= throwing stars
lipgloss=sight deterrant
hairspray+liqhter=flame thrower
cell phone battery+water=taser gun
cellphone+lighter= grenade.
bonus in the home a flat iron or curling iron makes a great flaming sword
and remember stay safe ladies and gents
blah ;]
In place i have one of my famous metaphors. maybe its a simile.. uh anywho... the truth is like a pond even though the bottom will always be murky when the top is clear everyone likes it.
ahhh yes, metaphors always there in your time of need. lol
so anyway.. and it is ANYWAY. not ANYWAYS.. theres no S in that word. its like anywho. you dont add an s.
but.... ANYWAY.. last night some one, ahem, stepped in the pond if you will. and all the murky stuff floated up to the top and it was just so hard to accept that it had hit the surface and now i could really see what was there all along.