i am not christian i am not Jew i am not Muslim i am not catholic i am not agnostic i am not satanic i am not Buddhist i am not atheist i am not anything.
i don't honestly think i can say my belief system has a set name yet. But it's a mixture of believing in a whole lot of karma, a little magic <3,and>people ask me sometimes because of my outlooks, do you believe in jesus, god, allah, adam and eve? the awnser is mostly yes, but from a historical outlook... except a&e, which i honestly cannot say i do believe.
do you go to church or pray? not formally, but i express my feelings to the overseer sometimes if im worried or anxious. or if i know ive done soemthing wrong i try to deeply think of the reason and see my own fault and then think of good that may come out of it or something good i did that day.
do your beliefs affect your everyday life? yes they give me more self control while in the presence of freedoms. they affect my viewpoints and lifestyle, the also affect friendships and even habits.
so i guess the reason why i did this was because i didnt agree with any other religion, i took catechism and did my communion and confirmation, so im coming with these ideas from a base type knowledge. i had my own ideas of whats right and whats wrong. i believed this was a better way to live my life, rather than following the "rules" of a formal church i thought a lackadaisical look on the little stuff with the big picture in mind was what was much more important. i hope im right, and i can live life to the fullest.
honestly i think this "religion" or belief what have you, will never be named because it is what you make it. you can give it any name you want just follow it whole heartedly and with good concious and it will return the favor when you just may need it the most.
even thought this is a weird thought of not having a religion i believe the same things. for various reasons