So as we all know, President elect, Barack Hussien Obama will be inaugurated this tuesday. I know most of my age group is whoop-de-dooing all around town over this, but i personally am not. Considering many of the things they are excited over they know nothing about. Obama is charismatic, yet inexperianced, creating policies that will eventually lead to the demise of america. Tax changes, The Guantanamo bay closing, leaving iraq, supporting welfare, and helping the iraqi/palistinian conflict. I think he is spending his time focusing on matters important to HIM rather than what's best for the country. He is a propaganda genious, and a fluid speaker which draws people in.. especailly the very impressionable youth of today which he was most appealing to. Using internet and modern-day techniques to appeal to that demographic group brought out the thousands of 18 and 19 year olds that were never interested in voting before, giving him a one-up. In this age of a failing economy i feel we need a leader who can make choices that clean up the broken bits, rather then creating so much change that when his 4 year term is up, someone else has to fix the bugs in his many plans. Honestly, when i see Obama i dont see a man running for america he wasnt a soldier, or from a long line of americans. We've judged kennedy for being catholic, well obamas a spit shot away from being muslim. he's an educated black man who was probbaly held back all his life, kept down because of his color his race and his name.. and now that he has a one up on these people, hes campaigning for the people who kept him down.. he wants to be vindicated.. he wants to say "ha ha" in everyones face and help only those who went through what he did.
well, my piece of advice is the same thing i'd say to the convinent store owner.. keep the change, ill take the dollar anyday.
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