OOH LA LA !.. i can say that again, these classic Louboutin heels are so aesthetically pleasing that even the simplicity behind the eccentricness shines. The line of the heel, paired with the oversizes anenome bow and the sateen fabric would elongate anyone's legs, while being able to dress up an oufit sans accesories LOVELY!
shoe la la
OOH LA LA !.. i can say that again, these classic Louboutin heels are so aesthetically pleasing that even the simplicity behind the eccentricness shines. The line of the heel, paired with the oversizes anenome bow and the sateen fabric would elongate anyone's legs, while being able to dress up an oufit sans accesories LOVELY!
secret gangster language
UBN Lingo:
5-50 = An outsider.
999 (Tripple 9) = Snitch.
Food = Enemy. If you see food, eat food or be food!
On The Menu = On the hit list.
000 = Blood
Blood Drop = Baby born into the UBN or a Blood brought home under you.
Bloodettes = Female Bloods.
031 = The UBN birthday of October 31st, 1993. Broken down further the 0 stands for bloods, 30 stands for 30 rules, 1 is 1 love for all bloods who live life as an East Side Rider and ride under the UBN.
Billy Bad Ass = Nine Trey Gangster
Blazing Billy = Sex, Money, Murder
The Klean Up Krew = G Shine / GKB
Donald Gee = One Eight Trey Gangster
Pretty Boys = Valentine Gangster Blood
1st Ave = Monday
2nd Ave = Teusday
3rd Ave = Wednesday
4th Ave = Thursday
5th Ave = Friday
6th Ave = Saturday
7th Ave = Sunday
Ace Deuce Trey = Violation
Roscoe = Police
Dance Floor = Jail House Visiting Room
5 Love = Probation
Stain = A General Star
U.B.N. or you be out = An invitation for your set to join the UBN. If you deny the invititation you become an enemy.
Damu = Blood
Jiwe = Stone
Penda = Love
Ola = Look
Chakula = Food
Nyekundu = Red
hatred of the day.
OK... So whats up with girls dressing like guys these days, to an extent (boyfriend chic) its tre fab... but when you actually start looking like a guy THATS NEVER OKAY. It is'nt okay for guys to wear full blown lady attire.. so why should it be acceptable for us? Can you say double standard? As you can see the picture above is the correct way to wear fashionably masculine outfits.
lend and extend.
For as long as i can remember girls have looked down on extensions claiming them as "fake" or "ghetto" ladies ladies ladies!!! there's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing hair extensions, some of your favorite celebrities wear them and you probably don't even know it. extend your hair, your lashes and your life! its a great way to change your look without chopping off your hair. it can make hair longer and thicker, instantly add new color and much more. with good quality hair, and a good stylist you can go from drab to fab as easy as 1, 2, 300 dollars :]
you should be stronger then me
Stronger Than Me - Amy Winehouse
so ive inhabited something that is both a curse and a blessing. They say ignorance is bliss, and that it is. and never will i know the bliss of the unknown. I have stumbled upon the uninhabitable right to read body and verbal language eerily well. Analyzing and decoding every fragment of a sentance, a word, a motion. Like a 6th sense i hone in on things things lodged subconciously, so deep in the psyche that its bearly noticible. Never again will i have the one week space cushion, that cloud 9 feeling after going on a date with a guy, becase i sensed he sat towards the left. No longer can i feel a rush of "maybe he's into me" because he said your the hottest friend i have. Sometimes i analyze so much that i get deeper then the person is thinking, and then i out think them, permitting a reverse effect on this whole paragraph leaving the thought worthless.

Otherwise in update-news, im doing well. semi healthy, single.. not ready to mingle.. and thats really it. oh and i really want a puppy :]
allllyyyy girlll you rock my worlddd <3
why men like sluts
"The cock follows the path of least resistance - like water. Consequently, guys seem to love slutty girls. Even if they say they don't want sluts, they do. They want pussy.
That is why, fat girls, ugly girls, and insecure girls are are easy. They are easy because that’s the only thing that seems to take guys attention away from thin, smart, compassionate attractive girls. No, it's more than just seeming, IT IS giving them the guys attention. Sex is what they want, and they follow the path of least resistance to get it.
Why do you think prostitutes exist? Sometimes men don’t want to deal with all of the girl’s bullshit just to get laid. Sometimes it is just easier to pay for it and get it immediately. Path of least resistance."
so i found this as i was combing the web and i thought it was funny, yet true. so i decided to post it.
also below we have a song by the kings of convenience ft. feist, i like the words def feeling them.
ell ohh ell
The theory that the internet phrase LOL meaning "laugh out loud", can be placed in any part of any sentence and make said sentence lose all credibility and seriousness. The "LOL" can also be replaced with the following: LMFAO, LMAO, ROTFL, and/or HAH
1 We need to operate on your colon lol, you have cancer.
2 You just failed your final exam, worth 70% of your grade lol.
3 Me: Will you marry me? lol
For those of you who don't know, Post Secret is a blog that people send their secrets to anonymously. New ones get put up every Sunday, and they are very enlightening to me. I read them every Sunday because once in awhile, I find one that could have been written by me; and that gives me proof that no matter how alone I feel, there is someone out there who understands. There's also a big book of them that you can buy in urban outfitters... It's worth it.
It also inspired me to write down my secrets. Not in a diary or anything just in a little notebook... It does help you feel renewed.
1000 $ sundae
$1,000 for an ice cream sundae? But, the sundae is The Grand Opulence Sundae from famed Serendipity of New York City and it's made up of the best of the best. According to the restaurant, they sell approximately one a month, so apparently, quite a few people have some money to indulge in such opulence.
The Golden Opulence Sundae, the "World's most expensive sundae", was created to celebrate Serendipity's 50th Anniversay last year. (If you are paying attention, the 50th anniversary is the "golden" anniversary. Get it?)
Made with "5 scoops of the richest Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla and covered in 23K edible gold leaf, the sundae is drizzled with the world's most expensive chocolate, Amedei Porceleana, and covered with chunks of rare Chuao chocolate, which is from cocoa beans harvested by the Caribbean Sea on Venezuela's coast. The masterpiece is suffused with exotic candied fruits from Paris, gold dragets, truffles and Marzipan Cherries. It is topped with a tiny glass bowl of Grand Passion Caviar, an exclusive dessert caviar, made of salt-free American Golden caviar, known for its sparkling golden color. It's sweetened and infused with fresh passion fruit, orange and Armagnac. The sundae is served in a baccarat Harcourt crystal goblet with an 18K gold spoon to partake in the indulgenceserved with a petite mother of pearl spoon and topped with a gilded sugar flower by Ron Ben-Israel."
Wow. Now that's spectacular. Worth $1,000? Well, I'd like to find out, if only I can get out of paying my rent this month...
by request.
1. Someone who is obsessed with someone else and stalks them on facebook Not always traceable or noticable, but clues are: wall posts replying to every status update, viewing every posted picture of the stalked, etc...
2. An individual who secretly looks up people on facebook, going through albums, comments and personal information to piece together a picture of this person. Potentially developing into an obsession. |
3. A person who hooks up with people, and then stalks them on facebook. You qualify as a FB stalker if you : a) click on someone's profile more than once a day even if they haven't messaged or tagged you in a photo. b) have dragged and dropped more than 3 FB photos (not from your own profile) c) actually go to a place mentioned on someone's page in hopes of seeing them in real life
So anyway, i've noticed these days that the creeper disease is spreading... im not sure if its because the lack of lives people have these days... or if my life is really that important that they feel the need to virtually breathe down their computer screen and into my buisness. This has also intertwined into the fact that their facebook stalker status meshes over into what they think is real... for example.. in more then one occasion ive seen the fbs (facebook stalker) think they are so amazing that they can confront you over the computer but then completly ignore you in real life. The facebook stalker usually rolls in a pack as well. They can be found conversing about their stalking... which is usually all they have in common, otherwise they would have no friends. All i know is that everyone should get over themselves, instead of concerning yourselfs in my life work on making up your own. i mean flattery it is, but comeone its ridiculous, because when i delete my facebook or myspace or whatever what are you gonna do then? ;] |
class > ass
So.. basically there's been a question that has been perplexing me for a long long while. Why ever would a guy choose a girl who's larger with a big butt than a skinny girl. What is it that entices a guy so much? Many Many girls with big butts only possess them because they are fat, in youth it collects in the lower region (ass) but as they get older its will spread thorought other areas of the body, just look at these girls mothers. Have you noticed that many of the beauties' mothers are tubs of lard? I suppose it's all about personal choice but did the epitome of classic beauties have big butts? marilyn monroe? barbie? audrie hepburn.. NO.
bang-a-bang bang
1st it was James Brown, then Bobby Brown, now Chris Brown. Beware of the BBB's (Browns Beating Bitches) Ladies if his last name is Brown, run bitch runnnnnnnn!! Excuse the french!
mi vida.
A genuine Deckers UGG boot has real sheepskin fur on the interior. Its fluffy looking and also thicker and a rich cream color. The fake uses synthetic 'fur', is slightly grey, thinner and also small pieces of the 'fur' come away when rubbed. Here's the genuine fur on the left and the fake fur on the right:
Believe it or not, genuine Classic Deckers UGGS are made in China. The fake Decker Classic UGGS always say made in New Zealand or sometimes Australia. Here's the genuine label (for a classic short) on the left and the fake on the right. Also note how the font style for 'australia' is different:-
Where the sole joins the heel, the genuine UGG has a flush join. On the fake there is a solid line clearly visible. Genuine on the left, fake on the right:-
A genuine Deckers UGG will have an R in a circle next to the UGG on the sole. A fake UGG will not have the R in the circle on the sole. Genuine on the left, fake on the right. Now the Fakes have copied the R also.
Finally, the outside labels are subtly different. Note how 'australia' is in a bolder font on the fake - which is shown on the left.
Stephen Sprouse. for LV

This picture does not bring the beauty justice. For just under 1000 $ you can get these sneaker-booties from Louis Vuittion... Designed by Stephen sprouse. Now, i'm by far not a sneaker fan... but these make my jaw drop. Paired with a monochromatic outfit (i suggest black, with possible leather leggings) and the right bag... (i suggest bottega veneta) and you will be sitting pretty.
Zaha hadid.
Architectural genious, Hadid Zaha has downgraded. Not in the sense of greatness, but in size.. the fabulous designer has created a shoe. It's made out of plastic, and its very avant-guarde, the seamless style gives the illusion of a stride free gate as one walks. A perfect pair with high waisted camel colored linen shorts, a plain white ribbed tank,over-sized marc jacobs sunglasses, and a big slouchy purse. FAB :]
why stay golden?
Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Being a long time fan of Frost's work the line "nothing gold can stay" was my favorite, but alas it sounded too depressing. sooooooo... i changed it to stay golden :]
But it just so happens that it is recited and said in the outsiders, this in fact is just a coincidence
liquor for the delicate palate.
As we all know, not everyone is a "slam em down" drinker. Some preferably like a lighter more tasteful drink. Here are some quick and easy tips to make your night as sparkly as your bevrage :]
Mix 1 part chambord or fragoli with 3-4 parts champange or sparkling water, garnish with corresponding fruit.
Mix 2 parts peachtree with 3-4 parts icedtea, garnish with a lemon wedge.
Mix 1 part fragoli with 4 parts lemonade, for a spin, add in some of the strawberrys and some ice and blend until smooth.
mix 1 part chambord with 1 part pomegranite juice and 1 part lemonade and blend over ice.
take passion iced tea and add 1 shot of chambord, serve chilled over ice with a lemon slice.
Blend cranberry juice,and fragoli, with a handful of frozen rasp, straw, and blue berries, and a splash of orange juice with ice.
Add a shot of peachtree or Fragoli to various smoothies, for a kick.
these light fruity drinks will keep you classy all night long :]
She makes her appearance a top priority not only for herself but for everyone.
She has her own viewpoints and sticks to them
She is naturally intellectual, but never afraid to learn more
She lets her man take care of her, even if she can get along just fine on her own
She can cater to people who matter without complaint
She can take a compliment
She knows when to talk, and when to listen
She doesn't fight in public
She keeps it classy
She wears heels and a dress as often as possible
She finds problems, and immediately fixes them, no matter the cost
She presents herself and all her actions with a smile
She can shine no matter what circumstance, and no matter what pain may come.
She believes perfection is not a goal, it is a way of life.
She can fake it.
blame it on the japanese....
1. ITCHY BACK?! not anymore with the back scratching grid! now instead of saying "lower, lower, no to the right.. no up" you can just say A7 please!!
2. Solar cigarette lighter... because you can't waste precious natural resources by using a typical gas lighter, while lighting up a cancer stick
3. The butter stick. now you can conveniently butter up that toast in stick form. now, what ever will we use butter knives for?
4. The Swiss farming knife? 10 in one ! what fun! now you can have all your farming needs in one semi-convenient tool coffin thing. Separate tools are so American.
5. The personal rain-harvester not only keeps you dry, but also saves all the precious rain you would have been wasting with a normal umbrella! WOW-WEE! what would you have done if that precious rain would have gone to waste?!