
tommy hilfiger's son?

So, I'm googling Tommy Hilfiger to find cute preppy clothes for the newly instilled uniforms at my school, and i come across the fact that he has a son, ironicly dubbed "rich hill" (huh.. is that supposed to be a metaphor?) he's like the polar opposite of his ultra conso-preppy dad. oh and did i mention he's with a black person? i wonder how that's fly? lmfao. anyway, i found this ghetto white boy style awkward considering he's probably never lived in the hood one day of his life.

but on a complementary note, let me mention extreme fabulocity surrounding the beautiful ally hilfiger... in typical ally fashion she is amazingly attractive and quite stylish.


  1. You're an idiot!@!! His son IS half black!

  2. i dont know about all of that but yeah that is his son .lives in ct seen him at a show in ny ..dude has some talent.btw i dont think he acts "ghetto"at all smh lol

  3. Such ignorance and stupidity in this post. At least research before you report on someone. I'm not even gonna go on, there is no point in debating with a complete moron. You should just delete this blog ASAP.
